“Literacy and inclusion are rights, not privileges.” TouchPadProFoundation.org
Testimonials for the BrailleDoodle
RNIB – UK, Royal National Institute of Blind People (LinkedIn)
We love the BrailleDoodle!
Chad Rohr
The BrailleDoodle’s amazing! If I had this type of device when I was first learning braille it would’ve made things way easier. So glad that this came to the market! Plus, it’s also fun!
Kirk Adams – Former President and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind and Lighthouse for the Blind, Seattle, Managing Director of Innovative Impact LLC
As an advisor to the TouchPad Pro Foundation, I’ve seen firsthand how the BrailleDoodle is changing lives. At a recent technology fair, 12-year-old Rachel received one of the world’s first BrailleDoodles. Her joy was palpable and reminded me of my own excitement when I first learned to read braille.
Tracy Duffy Conly
I received my Braille Doodle maybe a week or so ago. I love it! I love the fact one can draw figures and small maps and things and be able to feel them. It’s easier to jot a quick note with this because one does not have to write backward as one does when using a slate and stylus.
It’s a great invention and I hope teachers, students and even business people will make great use of it.
Jessica Glasco
I’m enjoying The BrailleDoodle a lot. It’s a wonderful device, and I feel like I can do more of the things I wanted to do, all my life, with tactile art, graphics and images. It’s a lot of fun to do.
Alison C, Tennessee, Blind Early Services Tennessee
I am a Director and TVI overseeing a staff working primarily with children ages 0-5, as well as the parent of a young braille reader. The BrailleDoodle has been a great new tool in the toolbox, especially for early literacy goals. Our team can work on tracking, bilateral hand coordination, tactile discrimination and letter recognition all with one, portable device. The children we’ve used the BrailleDoodle with have loved the auditory and tactile feedback they get while learning and playing with the device. I highly recommend this for other TVIs and parents working with braille learners of any age!