ZoomText 2024 Features
Inverted Mouse Pointer Scheme
The Inverted pointer scheme is a new pointer enhancement available in ZoomText and Fusion 2024. When using other pointer schemes, the pointer is always a solid color. You can also increase the size of the pointer, which will cover more of the viewing area on your screen. By inverting the pointer and background colors, it can help you quickly locate the pointer position. Being able to see under the pointer is extremely helpful at any magnification level. For example, when moving the mouse pointer over a black background on the screen, the pointer will change to white and vice versa.

To choose the Inverted pointer scheme, do the following:
- In the ZoomText or Fusion Magnifier toolbar tab, click the bottom portion of the Pointer button.
- In the Pointer menu, choose Scheme.
- In the Scheme menu, choose Inverted.
Note: You can change the size of the pointer using settings in the Pointer tab of the Screen Enhancement Settings dialog box.
Expanded Mouse Pointer Sizes
The Pointer Size setting has been updated for ZoomText and Fusion 2024.
Users often encountered challenges with the predefined pointer sizes. Over time, they observed that the “large” size may no longer meet their needs, and the transition to “extra-large” was too big. This update enables them to incrementally adjust the mouse pointer size to better suit their needs.
With the updated Pointer Size setting, users can choose from 15 different sizes and fine-tune the magnified pointer to meet their needs. In previous versions of ZoomText and Fusion, you were limited to three sizes, standard, large, and extra-large.
To try the new pointer size settings, do the following:
- On the Magnifier toolbar tab, click the arrow next to Pointer or navigate to Pointer and press the down arrow key.
- In the Pointer menu, choose Settings.
- Do one of the following:
- Choose the Customize button located to the right of the active pointer scheme.
- Choose the Custom scheme.
- In the Custom Settings, move the Size slider to increase or decrease the pointer size.

New Single Wedge Cursor Enhancements
The Single Wedge Bottom and the Single Wedge Top cursors are two new cursor schemes available in ZoomText and Fusion 2024. The Single Wedge Bottom cursor scheme displays a single blue triangle below the current cursor position. The Single Wedge Top cursor scheme displays a single blue triangle above the current cursor position.
To choose either Single Wedge cursor, do the following:
- In the ZoomText or Fusion Magnifier toolbar tab, click the bottom portion of the Cursor button.
- In the Cursor menu, choose Scheme.
- In the Scheme menu, choose Single Wedge Bottom or Single Wedge Top.
Note: You can customize both schemes using the size, color, and transparency settings in the Cursor tab of the Screen Enhancement Settings dialog box.
Performance Improvements
Our restructured magnification engine optimizes startup performance and minimizes resource usage, including memory and processor consumption. Another advantage of the redesign is more stability and fewer delays. As a result, you will notice better performance with magnification functionality and will benefit from these improvements in ZoomText and Fusion 2024.
Simplified ZoomText and Fusion Menus
The ZoomText (ALT+Z) and Fusion (ALT+F) menus have been reorganized and simplified. The goal is to make it easy for both new and experienced users to quickly find and use ZoomText and Fusion features. The ZoomText top level menu has been reduced from 12 to 6 items. For Fusion, it has been reduced from 14 to 7 items.

ZoomText and Fusion Settings Migration
When you first install ZoomText 2024, your ZoomText 2023 settings are automatically migrated to ZoomText 2024.
If you are a Fusion user, your ZoomText 2023 magnification-specific settings are automatically migrated to Fusion 2024. Your JAWS-specific settings are migrated if you select the Migrate JAWS Settings checkbox that appears on the initial Fusion installation dialog.
Quick Access Bar Changes
Based on user feedback, we’ve changed how the Quick Access Bar works in ZoomText and Fusion 2024. It is no longer docked on the right side of the screen when you start ZoomText or Fusion. Most users prefer using CAPS LOCK+RIGHT CLICK to open it when they need it. This key combination works like a shortcut menu that can quickly open your favorite ZoomText or Fusion commands from anywhere on the screen. In this way, you do not need to move the magnified area to access the ZoomText commands.
Using the Quick Access Bar via the keystroke, helps to keep your screen clear and tidy.
- You can now use the mouse wheel to scroll while you are in Text View. This should make it easier to navigate through your document. You can keep your mouse in the reading field, without having to go to the vertical scroll sidebar.
- Resolved an issue when using AppReader with Notepad on Windows 11 systems. Highlighting and tracking were not visible.
- Resolved an issue where the magnified view was corrupted after changing zoom levels while running and then closing Text View.
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Displays
- When opening ZoomText or Fusion, we deactivate the HDR filter on certain HDR monitors to improve magnification results. This may result in a slight shift towards more natural colors. A message now appears stating that HDR color mode is being turned off.
Other ZoomText and Fusion Fixes
- The installed Fusion, ZoomText, and JAWS versions are now included in the Fusion About box.
- You can now press INSERT+CTRL+WINDOWS Key+V to copy to the clipboard the Fusion, ZoomText, and JAWS versions, along with information about the current application that has focus.
- Resolved an installation issue where the ZoomText splash screen would continue to display after installing the software.
- Resolved an issue where the Quick Access Bar would continue to display when it was set to Automatically Hide. This was seen while running multiple monitors.
- Addressed an issue where Fusion was not consistently reading the status bar in Outlook when pressing INSERT+PAGE DOWN.
- Resolved an issue where ZoomText would speak despite being muted when starting the ZoomText Camera feature with CTRL+CAPS LOCK+C.
- Resolved an issue where the mouse pointer was difficult to see when moving it outside of a Freeze View window.
- Resolved an issue where configuration files assigned to hotkeys CAPS LOCK+ number row keys 1 through 0 were not migrated after upgrading from one major ZoomText release to another.
- Resolved an issue with mouse pointer positioning. By default, if the pointer is out of view on a magnified screen, you can move the mouse and the pointer will come into view. This is based on the “Route pointer into view when it is moved” mouse navigation setting being selected. It was observed that ZoomText would sometimes do the opposite and move the magnified screen to the current pointer position. This has been fixed.
- In Compatibility mode, when using a zoom level greater than 1x, it was observed that items shown in dropdown menus or lists appeared at 1x while the rest of the screen was magnified. This has been fixed.
JAWS Keyboard Help (Fusion Only)
Keyboard help for JAWS commands can be toggled on and off in Fusion using the Voice Assistant feature. When keyboard help is on, you can press a key combination, and hear what it does when running JAWS or Fusion. When keyboard help is off, the same key combination will perform the command.
To turn keyboard help on or off with Voice Assistant, say, “Hey Zoomy, toggle keyboard help” or “Hey Sharky, toggle keyboard help.” You can also turn on keyboard help by pressing INSERT+1, and turn it off by pressing ESC or INSERT+1 again.