This is the story of Gloria and a tiny chap named Mac. He lives in her eye right at the very back. He does a rather big job for a minuscule macula. He makes all of our lives utterly spectacular.Mac gives us the precious gift of sight. When he’s in good nick all in the world is right.
Gloria has so much going for her, so much to see, all of which filled her with absolute glee, her grandkids, driving, swishing a badminton racquet. Her life was thriving. Then one day it all changed. Something was far from right. There was wobbliness and blobs in the middle of her sight.
Little by little Mac got worse and unable to cope. He did his best but there was little hope. He was suffering from what we call ‘macular degeneration’, causing sight loss and fear and so much devastation. There are many like Gloria in her terrible plight, 600,000 of us have macular disease affecting our sight.
Imagine the horror of one day being barely able to see. The problem is most of us think ‘it won’t happen to me’. This is the story of Gloria’s Mac but one day much of your world could be fading to black. Eyesight is so precious and pure. Please donate, help us fund support and research for a cure.
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