A core strength of MindGenius is the ability to brainstorm and capture ideas, either individually or in class, and create a visual representation. Visualizing ideas in this way helps to build understanding on any topic and is a good basis for essay and report frameworks. MindGenius also contains functionality to help with studying and managing tasks and projects.
MindGenius is an excellent tool to allow students or pupils to express and communicate what they have learned. It is also of great use to teachers and lecturers in lesson preparation and in brainstorming topics with their classes.
Do you feel like work can be a constant struggle with deadlines to meet, projects to manage and complete and just keeping on top of your day-to-day workload? Do you plan things thoroughly or, due to time constraints, do you rush into tasks, just trying to get them finished?
MindGenius allows you to optimise and prioritise what you need to do and get things done today rather than tomorrow. Pupils, students, teachers and lecturers will produce work of a higher standard through more effective development of ideas, knowledge and understanding.
Many schools across the country use MindGenius V2 in the classroom and 280 Further Education establishments across the UK have installed site licences, giving access to all students across their campus.
MindGenius Allows You To:
- Produce more, to a higher standard with less effort.
- Reduce levels of rework by obtaining early consensus with teachers and lecturers.
- Engage with others, when appropriate, to capture knowledge, experience and creativity.
- Enhance and improve creativity.