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Attention all JAWS users! Get to know your keystrokes…

A ‘keystroke’ is a combination of keys that you press on your computer keyboard to use different functions. The large numbers of keystrokes are what makes JAWS such a user-friendly piece of screen reading software.
If you are already a JAWS user you probably already have a list of the keystrokes which you use on a regular basis. The following are some of the most commonly used JAWS keystrokes for use on the internet:

  1. Back a page: ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE
  2. Forward a page: ALT+RIGHT ARROW
  3. Go to homepage: ALT+HOME
  4. Refresh page and cache: F5
  5. List of links on a particular webpage that you’re on: INSERT + F7
  6. List headings on webpage: INSERT + F6
  7. List all Form fields (things you can fill in): INSERT + F5
  8. Move to address bar: ALT + D
  9. Read address bar: INSERT + A
  10. Insert placemarker: CTRL + SHIFT + K
  11. Move to next placemarker (area that you can mark a link, graphic or piece of text that you can then move to quickly): K
  12. Move to the next table: T
  13. List all the tables on the webpage: CTRL + INSERT + T
  14. List all edit boxes on a webpage: CTRL + INSERT + E

While the above are likely to be keystrokes you are already familiar with, we want to make sure that you are using keystrokes to their full potential.
That’s why we have put together the below list of some lesser known keystrokes, which should help to enhance the usability of JAWS even further when it comes to navigating around your computer.

  • INSERT+TAB: To repeat information about where you currently are
  • Insert+F12: Press once to read the time, and twice to read the date
  • INSERT+5: Reads the colour of the text and background
  • INSERT+2: Switches JAWS to read by character, word, both and none
  • INSERT+1: Turn on/off JAWS keyboard help (which is used to find out what keys do without carrying out the action)
  • INSERT+6: To bring up JAWS setting centre for your current application

To find out more about JAWS and what it can offer you, please visit the product page by clicking the following link: